Stoney and Dot loved sharing every delight, especially sweet treats like a nice, thick milk shake.
Proverbs 3:1-6 ESV
My son, do not forget my teaching,
but keep my commands in your heart
for they will prolong your life many years
and bring you peace and prosperity.
Let love and faithfulness never leave you;
bind them around your neck,
write them on the tablet of your heart.
Then you will win favor and a good name
in the sight of God and man.
Trust in the LORD with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways submit to him,
and he will make your paths straight.
From young newlyweds to working hard and raising kids to doing and involving others in missions, for Stoney and Dot it was always, “All About Jesus.”
Our father and our mother,
always together, or so it seemed,
living and loving and laughing
and struggling and working hard;
yet through it all, seeking and hungering
after our Lord who became more so
each year they lived their chief desire
and their ultimate destination.
Our father and our mother,
always together, or so it seemed,
doing so many things remarkably,
yet goofing up on occasion
like all of us will—but always seeking
Him who became their ultimate
blessing for their sons and for their
daughters, a heritage to treasure.
Our father and our mother,
always together, or so it seemed,
hand-in-hand, smiling with joy
in Him who as their Father,
their Savior, their Counselor,
led them always to trust
Him and serve Him further,
loving all of His children together.
Dorothy Net Hamilton
“Stoney and Dot.” “ Dot and Stoney. “As Becky and I settled back into life “back home” after thirty-seven years in Africa; and as we began getting acquainted and reacquainted with our church family at First Baptist Glencoe, we noticed how almost everyone who had known them always spoke of them together. We heard “Stoney and Dot, . . . always did this . . . ;” or “Dot and Stoney, . . . always did this. . .” Once we noticed how often people spoke of them together, we got to thinking about it, and it made sense, and it made us happy.
Actually, by this time Dad had gone on to his reward several years earlier, leaving Mother alone; but people still thought about them and talked about them together. And, as I said, it made sense, and it made us happy. For as long as we could remember, they had been a team in marriage, in parenting, in serving through their church; and most importantly, in their faith. The beauty and power of Christian marriage made them into an amazing team, Jesus, Mother and Daddy—all working together for God’s glory.
Some of the happiest years of their lives, (next to raising five remarkable and
Clarence Ray
Stonecypher Sr.
wonderful children, no doubt), came as they served under the Alabama Baptist Convention and the North American Mission Board, enlisting and training volunteers who served throughout Alabama, throughout the United States, and throughout the world. In their retirement years they found great joy in serving disaster-stricken communities, in often forgotten places with very little witness for our Lord; in Nigeria twice, and in Minnesota one summer . Now, even thoughthey loved being with their daughters (Celeste, Abby and Lisa) and their sons (Ray and Mike) and their families; they occasionally got so excited about yet another mission trip, they forgot to let families and friends know they were going. Their hearts just got so excited whenever they went somewhere to serve the Lord.
A Young Mother On Mother’s Day
When they had the opportunity provided by pastors Bill Morgan, Vince Whittington and others, to study God’s Word and how to better share the Gospel Story with others; they were among the first to get involved. They both had a deep, deep hunger for knowing their Lord, His Life, His Word and His Love for every person and all peoples, wherever they lived. So, if it meant sleeping in a gym on mats, taking flights across the world, or serving a small church in Minnesota; they were always ready to go. Whatever it took and wherever they needed to go, they sought with all their hearts to follow their Lord obediently; and as they did, their Joy grew ever deeper.
Can you imagine how much fun it was for us as children, children-in-law, and
A Young Stoney Honoring
Dot On Mother’s Day
grandchildren; to see their eyes shining while they excitedly told about their latest adventure in going somewhere among some new folks, and sharing the Gospel, which meant everything to them? What a blessing for all of us! What a challenge for all of us!
And all of these adventures for Stoney and Dot, or Dot and Stoney (whichever you prefer) took place after they had faithfully and lovingly raised their five children; both working long hours and scrimping and saving and loving and listening and supporting in good times and bad their often rambunctious children. You would have realistically assumed that after all of those years spent working at the Alabama Gas Company (Stoney) and Dot (Etowah Manufacturing and the Tax Accessor’s Office), while fully committed to being there for their children; Dot and Stoney would be ready to sit awhile and rest. Not at all. They got their second wind (the Holy Spirit) and spent, I believe, the happiest years of their lives, living, breathing, speaking; and most of all following their beloved Lord in sharing the Gospel.
Dot and Stoney
And Their
Rambunctious Crew
Now, when in all of the years of your life, you watch such enthusiastic obedience to the call to make life ALL ABOUT JESUS, and when you observe the miraculous way God uses such lives so beautifully and powerfully lived, then; you will not be surprised to know how confident their children are that they certainly heard hearty, welcoming words; “Well done, good and faithful servant;” as they were welcomed through Heaven’s gates. Nor would any of us be surprised if we should catch a glimpse of Dot and Stoney or Stoney and Dot (whichever you prefer) hand-in-hand around the throne, exultant and joyful, praising their Lord.
Speaking on behalf of Ray and Sandi, Mike and Becky, Celeste and Jim, Abby and Jeff, and Lisa and Ben; be assured we have been blessed by their lives lived out so well, demonstrating how wonderful our lives can be if we live as if all that matters in the end is this: “It is, indeed, all about Jesus.” Amen.
Awesome description of our parents, may we their children be found faithful 🥰
Amen! Such wonderfully inspiring examples!