Joe and Ann Brothers
love and serve
their Lord Jesus
in a manner that
always points their
family and friends and
others to Him. PTL!
Romans 12:1-2 ESV
I appeal to you therefore, brothers,
by the mercies of God,
to present your bodies as a living sacrifice,
holy and acceptable to God,
which is your spiritual worship..
But be not conformed to this world,
but be transformed by the renewal of your mind,
that by testing you may discern
what is the will of God,
what is good and acceptable and perfect.
You cannot help but notice their
steady faithfulness over the years,
servants surrendered so totally
they do as fully as Jesus did
loving acts which lift other
people up to see the light
so bright and beautiful
in the perfect love of God.
When love is required they
sacrifice their own will
and do just as their Savior
did laying down their lives
to lift up others when all
seems hopelessly dark
and they feel blind needing
the light only Jesus brings.
When truth is required they
hold nothing back but speak
it as straight as their Savior
did for they love too much
to let others fall down into
the Enemy’s traps—yet they
never let compassion fail
but take sweet redemption’s trail.
When called upon to sacrifice
they follow their Shepherd’s
faithful steps toward His Cross
where His blood was shed,
for surrender marks every
word they say and every
thing they do for His Love
to live even as Jesus lived.
Always throughout the
years of their marriage
Joe and Ann have been
faithful to joyfully point
others to Jesus.
When I look at the lives of Joe and Ann Brothers, I have to wonder who it was who invested so much early in their lives to bring forth such godly, humble, hard-working, gifted and in all ways beautiful servants of their Lord. I leave it to our Lord to reward these mentoring souls for introducing to Joe and Ann during their early years faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. All of us who know them, all of us who have been blessed by them, all of us who praise God so much for the manner in which He illuminates their lives of service and devoted love; praise Him for Joe and Ann and their beautiful lives.
Ann was actually a Preacher’s Kid who moved around quite a bit during her early years, so it is not surprising that she found faith in Christ at a young age, while Joe did so as a teenager. They actually lived in the same East Gadsden neighborhood, near East Walnut Baptist Church, where Ann’s Dad served as Pastor. They actually met through Ann’s older sister, Faye. Their interest in each other grew so strong Joe was known to travel thirteen hours from his Marine Base to East Gadsden to visit Ann on the weekends. They spent their early married years on Paris Island until Joe finished his time with the Marines, and they moved back to Gadsden. They both soon got involved in the ministries of East Walnut. Joe served by teaching the youth, working with R.A.’s and coaching softball. Ann also worked with the Acteens, while they both played a lot of church league softball. Jill, their daughter, remembers endless weekends of softball tournaments and hotels as a wonderfully fun family time.
Joe has always packed
his life with seeking
to live all of the adventures God has
for him and others.
Now, Joe has been working with R.A.’s for over fifty years both on the local and the state level. Having always loved the outdoors, he builds hiking and camping into his ministry. That is how Camp Monsoon actually began. When the family moved to Glencoe, they became a part of of First Baptist Church, Glencoe. They soon got involved in the youth work, and of course, Joe joined in the work with the R.A.’s, while Ann became a part of leading the Acteens. Joe continued taking R.A.’s on camping trips, and Jill, their daughter, made it clear that girls enjoyed camping also. So, Joe started father-daughter campouts, but even so, Jill pushed for more—the full-fledged campout experience.
Joe is always imagining
new activities which
give the campers
unforgettable memories
pointing them always
to the goodness and
the faithfulness of Jesus.
So, as loving and wise fathers do, Joe agreed to do campouts for both boys and girls. This big campout has always taken place during the spring break for schools in late March or early April, a normally rainy time of year. Still, rains or monsoons have never stopped the enthusiastic campers. No camp was ever cancelled due to rain—only COVID’s first year and enforced restrictions managed to do that. On occasion the camp had to begin at the church and later move to the destination. Now Camp Monsoon is a deeply loved tradition for many families in Glencoe. Now the large groups of youth and children are divided into high school teams led by Juniors and Seniors, and younger teams composed of middle schoolers and elementary aged kids, monitored by adults. During the camps the youth and children are constantly involved in one game or another. Usually there is a morning hike; during which the campers use maps and compasses to complete assigned tasks. After lunch the campers complete a challenging obstacle course. Then there is a “fear factor” meal later in the evening. Campers eat well, being served hot breakfasts, lunches and even steaks on Friday night. The logistics for giving families such a terrific gospel-centric experience requires year-round planning and the help of large numbers of adults—all united together to provide the students a thrilling encounter filled with fun, faith, and Jesus.
Now, just pause a moment with me and think about the imagination and commitment it takes to pull off such a powerful ministry event. Mind-blowing, isn’t it? Such is what Joe and Ann and their depth of commitment to loving people and sharing the gospel. accomplish. Along with their family and their faith family they demonstrate to the camping families and especially students, just how exciting and powerful the Christian life can become.
Joe and Ann definitely
know how to have fun;
and all the shouting and
laughing and competing
illustrate for all involved
the wonderful joy
of knowing Jesus.
Now, add to this deeply held passion for youth and children, a similar commitment to every ministry of the Church Faith Family. This is why you see Joe when there are building needs at the Church. This is why you see Ann when there is a meal to be served or a shower to be arranged. This is why you see them active in Life Groups and in D-Life Groups. This is why Joe serves faithfully as a Deacon. This is why Ann constantly assists with our Day School ministry. AND it quickly becomes clear as you get to know them better; they take it all in stride, and do not consider their lives to be an anything extraordinary. For both of them, Christians follow Christ; they love as He loves, they serve as He serves, they encourage as He encourages, and they enjoy life just as He did while He was on earth and now that He is in Heaven.
Wherever you find
Joe and Ann they
are busy loving on
family and friends.
When confusion arises, they seek truth, they unite rather than divide, and they help others to focus on God’s Way ahead as His Will is discovered and followed. They handle crises with deep faith and prayer and dependence on their Father in Heaven’s provision. As their son, Matt, suffered through a period of peril and suffering due to kidney failure; Joe and Ann honestly suffered with him and called upon their church’s faith family to join them and uphold them in prayer. When crises came, they heroically walked side-by-side with Matt and again called the Faith Family to prayer. When disappointments and delays arose, they honestly shared and called the Faith Family to prayer. And when God ultimately brought Matt the kidney he required (from a true Christian brother/friend) Joe and Ann led the Faith Family in rejoicing with Matt and glorifying God. Now that is a living witness.
While we were on the mission field, I truly admired Joe and Ann for all of the above, and for their full and loving support for us and our children. I will never forget how Ann provided day care for John David as a young toddler, along with a few others, in their home. One day he somehow got his head stuck between posts on their stairs, and, of course, Joe came along to rescue him and the day. And again when John David was at Jacksonville State, Joe became a father figure, a source of encouragement and godly advice when, John David needed it most. We remain eternally grateful.
One member of our Faith Family, Jim Runner, says; “I realized quickly as a young teenager that Joe had a God-given love for young people. He was my RA leader at East Walnut Baptist Church, where he put so much into teaching us to be Ambassadors for Christ. When I needed him most, he was always there. He continues to show his Christian love for me, and naturally, I feel the same about him.”
Somehow both Joe and Ann found time to work at “normal” jobs; he for 35 years at Bell South, now AT&T; and Ann in childcare—in her at home day care for 20 years and as a substitute teacher at the Church Day School for 15 years. I know that their strong Christian testimonies have told many tales of God’s loving power on those jobs throughout those years. When God so fills lives with His Power, He is glorified, they find joy, and others are richly blessed. Amen!