Deacon Matthew Ayoola Fabunmi
A Faithful Laborer For God
Whatever you do,
work heartily,
as for the Lord
and not for men,
knowing that from the Lord
you will receive the inheritance
as your reward.
You are serving the Lord Christ.
We who are so blessed
through the love of Jesus
to be called
God’s own children
are so especially
blessed by our Father,
our Savior, the Son
and the Holy Spirit,
Almighty God,
Three-in-One and all
together proving
always perfect love;
we are surely blessed
by His who have
answered His Call
are gifted for
proclaiming His Word—
and yet in a most
empowering way
we are blessed by
His men and His women
who serve with their hands
so often scarred
by the marks of
their faithful labor
ministering His
practical love
even as Jesus did
in a carpenter’s shop.
In April of 1982 as I began a missionary career, I recall being excited just to be serving side-by-side with heroes who had already seen God accomplishing so much as they shared the Gospel among so many who had never heard. I realized how blessed I was to see in them God using sturdy and courageous servants ready and determined to do His work. So, as I felt privileged to work beside such giants as John and Louise HIll, Wiley and Geneva Faw, Jane Ellen Gaines, Mary Jane Whorton, Ward and LouAnn Nicholson, Larry and Trish Davis, Gene and Marian Leftwich, just to name a few; I felt great joy in the Lord’s work.
However, I must confess, that I discovered heroes in God’s service I had not really expected. In setting up my housekeeping, in facing the daily chores of simply living in a very different land, I quickly realized how needy I was. To my relief, and over the years, to my very great benefit, I began to discover such faithful servants of God as James, an electrician, Joseph, a plumber, Dayo, a mechanic, Esther, a housekeeper, and later, Mrs. Elkanah, a nanny, Michael, a mission driver, and Gideon, a literal jack-of-all-trades. I discovered in getting to know these wonderful Christian men and women, fellow laborers in the work of seeing God’s Kingdom grow all around me.
Deacon and Mrs. Fabunmi
worked hard and long
to establish a strong Christian Heritage
in the lives of their children.
As I write with deep gratitude for their assistance, which made possible any work I was able to do in service for the Lord, I particularly think of Deacon Fabunmi, as I always knew him. He had a very strong reputation among our missionaries in Jos, as an excellent, a dependable and an affordable carpenter. So, as a young, and at that time, single missionary, in setting up house keeping, I inevitably needed some basic furniture. Deacon Fabunmi came highly recommended.
I soon recognized how faithful he was, how wise, how skilled, and especially how clear in his Christian testimony he lived out openly before the world. Every chair, every table, every project he undertook, he took as a trust, as a challenge to produce the best, and to do so at a fair price that never had to be questioned. All I had to do was to share with him my unfocused request, and he would ask the right questions, do the correct measurements, and put into a design and a proposal, how he could produce not just what I had imagined, but more importantly, what I needed. Perhaps his crowning achievement as a carpenter came as he designed and built a movable screened in room to sit on our patio, which would allow our children to play outside without being targeted by the pesky mosquitoes. He did this so expertly, it was even strong enough to be transported outside the town, so that it could continue to serve when we were moved from one house to the other.
All of Deacon and Mrs. Fabunmi’s children
praise God for their parents’
loving yet strict upbringing
in a joyful Christian household.
Not only did I have the privilege of seeing his excellent work as a carpenter, but I also got to know some of his children as students at Baptist High School. I had the privilege of leading two of his sons in discipleship, so I got a close-up view of how deeply they devoted their lives to Christ and how strongly they had been taught their faith at home. Simeon, one of his older sons, now serves with his wife as missionaries in Malawi. In paying tribute to his father, Simeon commented that he had always been strongly supported by his parents, even though God was leading them to Malawi, a huge distance away on the other side of Africa. Tunde, a younger son, has settled into life in Arkansas with his family, where his career has carried him. He is presently a deacon in the local church. I also knew his daughter Bose, when she was at Baptist High, and her now husband, Samson, who was in Tunde’s discipleship group. Now they serve together where Samson pastors an exciting, deeply ministering church on Victoria Island in Lagos. She holds a Ph.D in Medical Physics and is a lecturer in the Department of Physics at the University of Lagos. Others among Deacon Fabunmi’s children reflect that same godly character along with educational professional achievement. Moses has retired as an Internal Auditor at the national institute of veterinary medicine in Vom, Plateau State, near Jos. Thomas is Professor of Crop Production at the Federal University of Agricullture in Abeokuta. Foluke is a Lecturer in Estate Manaagement and Valuation at the Federal University of Technology in Minna. Sarah teaches at the Love Paradise Academy in Bauchi. Oladayo serves as the Customer Experience Lead at Mixta Africa in Lagos. Tope is a teacher at Alfred Jonah International School, Sapele, in Delta State. Even more impressive than all of this, though, is that every single one of these Fabunmi children is involved in leadership at some level within their local churches. I am reminded, “Train up a child in the way he should go, even when he is old he will not depart from it.” (Proverbs 22: 6 ESV) Deacon Fabunmi was never able to get a formal education, but he worked incredibly hard to provide it for each of his children. What a wonderful twin heritage he and his wife provided for their children; a deep, abiding faith in Christ which serves others, and a determination to excel and contribute to society in their chosen profession.
The Fabunmi’s children are working hard
and serving faithfully
In Nigeria, and in the U.S.,
through their local churches,
while one serves with his wife
in Malawi as a missionary.
As a longtime deacon at the historic First Baptist Church in Jos, Deacon Fabunmi led among that church family in many ways. He taught Sunday School for many years. He coordinated a home cell group. He served as the Chairperson for the Board of Deacons for many years. He assisted the Pastor in ministering the Word of God. He led prayers and prayer meetings, and assisted families in conflict resolution. He also served as the head of the Church Training program. No wonder we see his and his wife’s many children carrying on, serving the Lord through their local churches.
In tributes to their father after he entered glory a few years ago, his children and their spouses spoke of this love, his using Scripture to discipline, his smiles, his jokes and his laughter, and his serving as a strong foundation for each of their now successful and blessed lives. I must say I am not surprised. I remember my times with him as he worked on our roof, or as he delivered one beautiful example of his carpentry or another. He was always gracious, forthcoming, wise and trustworthy. Many of us have been blessed to have such godly, such hard-working, such unselfish, such Christ-like parents. Deacon Fabunmi was always the kind of man any person would be proud and privileged to call Father. Praise be to God for his life and for the joy He now experiences in the presence of our Lord he served so long and so faithfully.
John 3:16 In Yoruba
Johanu 3:16
Bíbélì Mímọ́ Yorùbá Òde Òn
16 “Nítorí Ọlọ́run fẹ́ aráyé tó bẹ́ẹ̀ gẹ́ẹ́, tí ó fi ọmọ rẹ̀ kan ṣoṣo fún ni, kí ẹnikẹ́ni tí ó bá gbà á gbọ́, má bà á ṣègbé, ṣùgbọ́n kí ó lè ní ìyè àìnípẹ̀kun.
What a beautiful couple they were. I had the opportunity to join in the youth activities. Softball, acteens even church camp. They always made everything enjoyable and cared a lot about the youth. I looked up to them both and loved them.
This was such a beautiful story of Mr. and Mrs. Weems. Until we meet again to that eternal life with our gracious Heavenly Father. I will never forget this precious couple. Thank you Mike for Sharing. It brought back wonderful childhood memories.