From Winter to Spring,
From Summer to Fall—

Ecclesiastes 3:1-2 ESV

For everything there is a season,
and a time for every matter under heaven; .
a time to be born, and a time to die;
a time to plant,
and a time to pluck up what is planted; . . .

When I look around me these October days in Alabama, I long for the changing of the leaves from bright green to oranges and reds of various hues. I certainly enjoy the beautiful mums painted in a rainbow of colors, and the pumpkins in orange, and the gourds in their oranges and greens and whites. Oh, I can’t leave out the bright blue skies highlighting all of these other beautiful colors. Yet, even amidst all of this beauty, I do so anticipate the changing of the leaves from their summertime green to their autumn’s more colorful show. Isn’t it just like God to keep us looking forward to the fresh sense of change He brings into our lives—keeping our hearts always looking forward to His revelation of His perfection and, of course, His Love. As month passes into month and each season yields to another, I am reminded, every day has its own unique ups and downs; every week has its highs and its lows; every month’s moons and our moods both wax and wane; and every year brings all its challenges and its victories and all of its in-betweens. Surely our God remains in charge. Surely He holds everything in His hands. Surely He continues working for His glory, which is always for our ultimate good. Praise His Holy Name!

How can you not love
a tree-lined autumn road
all colored and shadowed
golden, orange and glorious?

Or what about a road
aglow, all glistening white
and silver and oh, so bright
hardly a shadow in sight?

…and then there’s a road
all cloistered over with
such spectacular pink
you find it hard to think!

Wow! There’s nothing like
finding a road in the heat
shadowed by majestic trees
so you can just catch a breeze!

Genesis 8:22 ESV

While the earth remains,
seed time and harvest,
cold and heat,
summer and winter,
day and night,
shall not cease.

In the midst of constant change it is such a blessing to know that God has set the pattern, and He is still very much involved in using His plan to bless this world for the sake of His glory, and for the purpose of His bringing more and more and more of His children back to Him through the beautiful Gospel truth of Jesus offering redemption through His life, His teaching, His calling, His healing, His dying and His resurrection. Then there is the Presence of HIs Holy Spirit indwelling His children, inspiring and guiding and directing their living out this Gospel Truth everyday, and everywhere and in every way possible, so that God’s Church continues to grow from strength to strength until New Heaven and New Earth are permanently established.

Bridges are so powerful
a parable, a symbol
of Jesus our Savior
becoming our way
back to our Father
and our God.

…and the beautiful red cardinal
is such a powerful picture
of God’s using nature
to remind us of His
ever present, perfect love.


Hallelujah! It seems like
all of God’s springtime
wonders point us to the
glory of Jesus and His
victorious resurrection.

Then there are those
amazing, splendid
summertime suns—
God reigns, Praise His Holy Name!

Psalm 74:17 ESV

You have fixed all the boundaries of the earth;
you have made summer and winter.

I admit it! There are chilly autumn mornings while I am walking when I long for the energizing summer sun. And there are certainly cold and wet winter evenings when there are no colors to be seen when I long for beautiful autumn evenings as the sun sets as golden as the leaves on the ground. Then there are those days in spring when admittedly golden pollen frustrates me as it coats our cars once again. And whew! Those summer afternoons and evenings can sap all of my energy for living. However, those tend to be momentary frustrations, and some time in God’s Word or with family and church family help me laugh through the inconveniences and recognize how beautifully God has designed every season for His good purpose and for our joy. Focusing on His glory sure does take care of my too often self-centered gripes and complaints. The beauties all around me constantly remind me He IS Good.

The glory and goodness
of God shines so
beautifully bright when
all the trees seem to compete
to see whose leaves can
show off their joy in Him
most spectacularly.

There is something about
starlight reflecting on a winter night
which splendidly shines
God’s own glory just right.

How beautifully nature sings
in the springtime the glories of God
putting on shows with beauties
His work in Creation bestows.

And then there’s His blinding sun
mesmerizing our eyes.
illuminating the skies
with His most glorious fire.

Jeremiah 8:7

Even the stork in the heavens
knows her times,
and the turtledove, swallow, and crane
keep the time of their coming,
but my people know not
the rules of the LORD.

Perhaps the birds of the air more clearly than most of God’s Creatures mark the passing glories of the seasons. Perhaps we should take note how they glorify their Maker as they fit so majestically in His patterns for them. Perhaps we have lessons to learn as we waste so much of our time battling against God’s eternal and perfect time line. Perhaps we need to each contemplate His Will more purposefully and seek Him more diligently as we trust in Him and follow His Will.


Imagine how birds in the autumn
must stop on a stem and just stare
at all of the glory surrounding
the leaves all around them so fair.

Now winter birds have the
rare privilege of adding some glory
to all of the glistening white—
such a spectacular sight.

Well, what could be brighter
or better in the midst of
spring flowers
than brilliant yellow—a sight
that seems just about right?

Maybe it takes a bright red
to be noticed amidst all of the colors
of summer washed over, of course,
by the scorching, though glorious sun.

Psalm 104:19 ESV

He made the moon to mark the seasons;
the sun knows its time for setting.

Well God does set his moon in the nights of the seasons to keep us on track according to His eternal plan, to include order and patterns as each year begins, then rushes right on through to the end. And in HIs power and His wisdom each day the sun rises again to remind us His Ways are dependable, and His Truth is supernatural and His Life is eternal. As the moon rises and sets, and the sun also rises and sets, our God accomplishes Hs Good Will. Through faith in Jesus we can truly enjoy the Ride. “Jesus is the same, yesterday, today and forever.” Hebrews 13:8) (ESV)

A harvest moon rising
highlights the glories
even deep into the night
of God’s wonderful story.

Oh, wow! Look at that moon!
Sitting there in a deep blue sky,
brightening the night
though the air is so cold.

The sun on his way down
after blessing the blooming
of all the flowers appearing
to welcome our Lord’s resurrection.

And in the summer time
the sun going down
with another hallelujah
for one more day blessed.


And so these are the seasons,
autumn, then winter,
spring time, then summer,
all in praise to the Maker
of all of the glories
so coloring our world
with so much beauty
reflecting His goodness,
His love and His mercy,
His grace and His care,
His tending His own
like a good Shepherd,
His healing His own
like a good Doctor,
His teaching His own
like a good Master,
His welcoming His own
like  a good Father
His giving His life
like a good Savior.

Every season a masterpiece
declaring God’s Glory in Creation
and His Loving Gospel Plan
overflowing from His faithful Heart.



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